
Santa Cruz Island Prisoners Harbor to Pelican Bay.

Distance: 4 miles RT.
Elevation gain: 1300 ft.
Considered "Moderate to Strenuous"

Transportation to Island: (CAUTION: Check with Island Packers to verify that the following information is still valid). Depart from Island Packers mooring located at Ventura Marina, 1691 Spinaker Drive, Ventura, Ca. Tel# 805-642-1393. Check in at 8:30 AM. Boat departs promptly at 9:00 AM and returns at 5:00 PM.

Price is $42.00 per person. Island Packers requires the hike leader to submit a manifest, and full payment in advance in order to retain our place on the boat. Please advise your participation and make payment to the leader ASAP.

Weather may be variable with temperatures near 62-65 degrees F. Dress in layers and consult your doctor for appropriate motion sickness remedies.

The Hike: After departing the boat at Prisoner's Landing, we gather and link up with our guide (a mandatory requirement for any hike on non-NPS portion of Santa Cruz) and begin our hike. The path takes us along the coast up and over the undulating terrain until reaching Pelican Bay. After eating lunch, we return the way we came in time to catch the boat at Prisoner's Landing. Although the distance is short, the terrain is steep in many places.

Google Earth Photo - Santa Cruz Island

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GPS Data:
RT = 4.9 mi.
Trailhead Elevation (land end of pier) = 10 ft.
Max. Elevation Change = 370 ft.