
UCLA Campus & Japanese Gardens

Distance: 5 to 6 miles RT
Elevation gain: = 200 ft.

Summary: Besides walking much of the campus, we will visit the UCLA Hannah Carter Japanese Garden (which is off-campus in Bel Air), the Fowler Museum which has permanent exhibitions of period silver pieces and Faberge porcelain as well as various temporary exhibitions, the 7 1/2 acre botanical gardens, and if there is time, the Sculpture Garden, and possibly the Hammer Museum in Westwood Village.

Directions to Trailhead: We will meet at UCLA, Westwood Campus, on the 4th floor of Parking Structure #6. Access to this structure is from Westwood Blvd. Go to the main kiosk and tell the attendant that you want to park in #6 as a day visitor walking around campus. Bring $7 for parking. It is not possible to park at any other place in the vicinity so don't try. All off campus parking is restricted. Restrooms are available in any UCLA building open for classes. There are also port-a-potties throughout the campus. Do not enter any residence building.

The Hike: We start by splitting into groups of 15. The first 2 groups will then head to the Japanese Gardens located at 10619 Bellagio Road in Bel Air. Special reservations must be made to visit these gardens, the first tour starting at 10 AM. The other groups will cycle through the Japanese Gardens on subsequent tours, or tour the campus (campus maps are available) including a stop at the Fowler Museum. The strategy is to all meet for lunch on the lawn in front of the Fowler.

In the afternoon we will head for the 7 1/2 acre botanical garden, which has both Mediterranean and aquatic plants in abundance. There is a tiny amphitheater at the Nest. Get to The Nest on one of the many alternate meandering paths. Hopefully by this time we should have gone around the circumference of the campus and we might consider walking a bit through Westwood Village, possibly visiting the Hammer Museum.

Refreshments will be served on the 4th floor of parking structure #6

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