
Zuma/Newton Canyons from Kanan Dume Road

Distance: 6 miles RT
Elevation Gain: 1200 ft.

Summary: We have hiked these canyons going in both directions. Because the size of some of the boulders requires almost a technical climbing technique when going up-canyon, we have found it is easier to slide down them on your butt when going down-canyon. The problem with the down-canyon choice is the long, hot, dry struggle out of the canyon and back over the ridge to the parking lot. Regardless of the direction, the majority of the lush greenery encountered is POISON OAK. Because of the waterfalls, this is an early Springtime hike, which if done early enough, may reduce the severity of the poison oak exposure

Directions to Trailhead: From PCH, go north on Kanan Dume Road until you go through the tunnel, park in the parking area on the left side of the road. From the 101, take Kanan Dume Road south. About 2 miles beyond the intersection with Mulholland you’ll see the parking area on the right. If you go through the tunnel, you’ve gone too far. There are no restrooms at the trailhead.

The Hike (down-canyon): We start going west out of the parking lot on the Backbone trail. We are walking on the north ridge of Newton canyon which has 2 waterfalls, a 10 ft. fall slightly off-trail to the left which we should stop first to see, and a spectacular 30 ft. fall further down canyon. About 1 mile west of the first waterfall, we look for a place to bushwhack down into Newton canyon to view the second waterfall.

We then make our way south, down Newton Canyon to its end at the intersection with Zuma Canyon. We turn to our left and boulder-bound pool-hop our way down Zuma approximately 3 miles to the crossing of the Edison Road. This is a good place for lunch and rest in preparation for the climb-out.

The way out is east and north, first along the Edison Road, then up a number of long switchbacks, topping a ridge, then down into the parking lot.

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