Hike #1587
Stunt High Trail to Topanga Overlook and back through Cold Creek Canyon Preserve
September 18, 2024

Hike Leader: Patty Liu

Meet at 8:00 am for start at 8:30 am

Please print your own hike descriptions and maps.

Distance: 7.4 mi. RT
Elevation gain: 1340 ft.

Directions to Trailhead: Take 101 Freeway to Valley Circle/Mulholland exit. Go south and continue past commercial area to traffic light at Valmar. Turn right and continue past one stop sign, and right on Mulholland Hwy. Go 3.6 miles, turn left on Stunt Road and go to mile paddle 1.0 (1 mile), then park heading in. An “Andy Gump” provides the only restroom facilities.

Summary: Hike goes up Stunt High Trail, and Stunt Road to Topanga Lookout, then returns by going through the Cold Canyon Preserve.

Primary Hike: 7.4 miles, 1335 feet elevation. The hike goes up Stunt High Trail to Topanga Lookout, then back and thru Cold Creek Preserve. We found poison oak on the Stunt High Trail, so be warned!

The Hike: From the parking lot, the Stunt High/Cold Creek trail drops down to stream level. Continue straight along the trail. After coming out into the open, a large trail turns sharply to the left and works its way uphill. There’s a marker, but it’s faded out.

A short distance up the hill, amidst a rose patch, the trail forks. The trail to the right leads to Stunt Ranch and is closed to the public. The Lower Stunt High Trail branches to the left and ends at the parking area for Stunt Ranch. We walk 50 yards up Stunt Road to the Upper Stunt High Trail on our left, paddle 1.94. We then hike 0.9 miles up the trail to Stunt Road.

The hike continues up Stunt Road until Stunt Road intersects with Saddle Peak and Schueren Roads. Just beyond the intersection, another older road begins leading off to the left. This is the unsigned Topanga Tower Motorway which leads to Topanga Overlook, once the site of a fire lookout tower.

Return the way you came back down to paddle 1.94, then up Stunt Road 0.5 miles to the upper gate of Cold Creek Canyon Preserve. Follow the Cold Canyon Trail down through the preserve arriving at the lower gate which is locked with a combination lock (try 8058 or call the Mountain Restoration Trust 818-591-1701 for the combination). Proceed through the gate, making sure that it is locked afterwards, then proceed down Stunt Road 0.2 mile to the trailhead.

For those hikers desiring a shorter hike, omit the Topanga Overlook segment by continuing past paddle 1.94 another 0.5 mile to the upper gate to the Cold Creek Canyon Preserve and return to the trailhead as per above.

History:  The canyon was once part of a ranch homesteaded in the early years of the 20th century. It later served as a ranch/retreat for the Murphy family. In 1970, the Murphy’s donated their family ranch to the Nature Conservancy with the stipulation that Cold Creek be forever preserved in its natural state.

BYO refreshments in the parking lot.

Google Earth photo - Stunt High Trail to Topanga Overlook, Return via Cold Creek Canyon Preserve


Updated:  2024-09-06