Hiking and Debating Society
Schedule --- Leader --- Hike Descriptions --- History --- Videos --- OTP Memorial
Weather --- Highway Road Conditions --- Selected Site Information --- Trip Plan
Most members of our group are retirees from local companies. We are not formally organized as a club, therefore we have neither club officers nor rules of order. We are then, by definition, an unorganized and unruly group.
Our hikes are primarily located in the California counties of Los Angeles and Orange, usually in the San Gabriel and Santa Monica Mountains as well as occasional excursions elsewhere. We hike on Wednesdays at 9:30 AM. If you are interested in walking with us sometime send an e-mail to Join Us or just show up at the trail head.
Hike leader responsibility is rotated among the members in turn, each leader responsible for choosing the hike location, providing directions to the trail head with a description of the hike, maps and instructions as necessary, and refreshments at the conclusion of the hike.
The Schedule Page lists the schedule and descriptions of upcoming hikes. Based on their standing in the Top Five List, it is expected that the hiker will volunteer to schedule a hike by personally contacting or e-mailing the Scheduler to obtain a hike date as soon as possible. Send e-mails to Hike Coordinator
The Leader Page carries the Leader Roster which shows each hiker's ranking on the Leader Roster. The five most eligible hikers are listed in the Top Five List. When a hiker's name appears in the Top Five List it is expected that the hiker will volunteer to schedule a hike or if not available to lead will notify the Hike Coordinator when the hiker will be available. Scheduled hike leaders are requested to submit their hike descriptions to the Hike Coordinator no later than two weeks before the hike so the hike may be posted in a timely manner.
A collection of over 250 descriptions of routes the group has hiked over these past 25 years, separated by area. These descriptions detail the location of the trail head and instructions for perfoming the hike. Accompanying most of these descriptions are Google Earth photos of the terrain with GPS tracks superimposed.
The History pages list all the hikes taken by the OTP since the first hike on December 19, 1989.
Links to videos of OTP hikes, anniversary parties, etc. are listed on this page.
We remember our fellow hikers who have passed on to hiking greater trails.
The Trip Planning page contains information useful in planning hikes:
Mileage Paddles:
This is a compilation of mileage paddles, elevations and the facilities on the highways and roads we use to travel to our hikes.
We have collected some of the information and some of it has been provided by other observant hikers. We would appreciate it very much if you would note any inaccuracies and add information about missing data and other places of interest on our roads.
Please send an e-mail to Information regarding any changes and we will update the list and re-issue it as it grows. In time this can become a valuable aid in planning trips. Thank you in advance for your help.
There are a number of links to other web sites describing hikes and related information.
For website contact, send e-mail to: Webmaster