
Strawberry Portrero from Colby Canyon

Distance: 9.3 miles round trip.
Elevation gain = 2000 ft.

Trailhead Directions: Meet at the Colby Canyon parking area. This is at mileage paddle 34.50 on the Angeles Crest Highway about 11 miles from I-210 and 0.8 miles beyond the Angeles Crest-Angeles Forest Highway Junction (Clear Creek Junction). There are no restroom facilities at the parking area, use the restroom at the junction.

The Hike: From the trailhead we hike up the Colby Canyon trail on the left side of the creek. This trail is one of the historic pathways of the range. The trail follows the creek for about one quarter mile, then climbs steeply up the right side to bypass several small waterfalls where the canyon narrows. We then drop back into the shady, alder-filled upper canyon before switch backing up to Josephine Saddle, 2.2 miles from the start.

At the saddle the hikers continue along the Colby Trail, which winds eastward around the north flank of Strawberry Peak, and eventually drops down to Strawberry Meadow. Distance to the meadow from the saddle is almost 2.5 miles. There are a few nice spots to stop, eat lunch and turn around if you don’t want to go all the way.

For those who want a more leisurely hike (5.9 miles RT and 1400 feet gain), go west from the saddle on the trail toward the Josephine fire road. In one half mile, go down the fire road 2.4 miles to the Clear Creek Junction. From there, walk down the highway 0.8 miles to the Colby Canyon trailhead

Refreshments will be at the cars after we get back.

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GPS Data:
Hike to Portrero: (no data)
Hike to Clear Creek & road: RT = 6.6 mi.
(Trek on Road = 0.8 mi, on trail = 5.8 mi.)
Max Elevation change (Colby Trailhead to peak @ saddle) = 1420 ft.