
Nicholas Flat from the Malibu Nature Preserve

Distance: 6 miles RT
Elevation gain: 1500 ft.

Directions to Trailhead: The trailhead is at the Malibu Nature Reserve - address 33905 PCH. The entrance is on the right about 500 ft. east (before) Leo Carrillo State Beach, about 10 miles west of Malibu Canyon Road. The facility is closed to the public. The leader must obtain permission for the hike, and the combination to the locked entrance gate, which must be closed and locked after each use. Park straight ahead - some 300 ft. beyond the house. Restrooms are available there.

The Hike: Follow the trail out of the parking lot up San Nicholas Canyon on a constant climb up to an intersection with the San Nicholas Ridge Motorway. This is a fire road that runs along the ridge between San Nicholas and Decker Canyons. Proceed north on the road, past the intersection with Decker School Road, then dropping down onto the Flat. Keep on the trail that skirts the southern edge of the Flat to the lake and the lunch spot which is a rocky outcropping along side the lake with an excellent view of the Pacific Ocean. Return the way you came.

Google Earth Photo - Nicholas Flat from Malibu Nature Preserve

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GPS Data:
RT = 6.0 mi.
Elevation gain = 1400 ft.