
Backbone - Ray Miller to Rancho Sierra Vista Park

Distance: 11.2 miles one way
Elevation gain: 1200 ft.
Shorter option: 7 miles RT
Elevation gain: 1300 ft.

Summary: This is a modified shuttle hike. Longer hikers will complete the first 8.1 miles of the 65 mile Backbone Trail from Ray Miller trailhead to Rancho Sierra Vista Park via the Danielson Ranch plus an additional 3.1 miles to get to the parking lot at Ranch Sierra Vista. Hikers choosing a shorter hike will drive to the parking lot at Rancho Sierra Vista Park and hike the northern end of Sycamore Canyon. Arrangements must be made to have some "shorter" drivers ferry the cars of the "longer" drivers to the parking lot at Rancho Sierra Vista Park where refreshments will be served.

Directions to Ray Miller Trailhead: Turn right off of PCH opposite Thornhill Broome Beach campground, about 21.8 miles west of Malibu Canyon Road.

Directions to Rancho Sierra Vista Park: Take the 101 and exit on Lynn Road, turn right on Via Goleta to the park entrance.

Car Ferry Directions - Ray Miller Trailhead to Rancho Sierra Vista Park: Go north on Hwy. 1, turn right on Las Posas, right on Lewis road, right on Potrero road and right on Via Goleta into the Rancho Sierra Vista Park. This distance is 14 miles and takes 20 minutes.

The Longer Hike: Two trails start from the Ray Miller Trailhead at the mouth of La Jolla Canyon. We will take the narrow, inconspicuous La Jolla Ridge Trail to our right, climbing 2.4 miles up the toe of a ridge until it meets the junction with the Overlook Trail. We proceed north on this trail to a saddle (4.5 miles from the start) from which roads descend east into Wood Canyon and west into La Jolla Valley. We go right continuing up Sycamore canyon to Danielson Ranch. At this point we have completed the first 8.1 of the Backbone Trail (and look forward to completing in the future the last miles into Will Rogers Ranch on Sunset Blvd.). From Danielson Ranch we hike the 3.1 miles to the parking area at Rancho Sierra Vista Park.

The Shorter Option: From the Rancho Sierra parking lot, follow the road until coming to a trail that crosses a big field on the left, which after 1/2 mile brings us to the beginning of Old Boney Road. Walk uphill on the road, eventually coming to a sharp hairpin turn to the right. A short side trip from this point takes us to a view of the waterfall. To get there, we go upstream on the path, turning right as we come to a side stream, then upstream to the waterfalls.

After returning to the hairpin turn, continue on the road for about 3/4 mile until coming to a fork. Take the left fork and reach the Old Cabin Site. Other than a rock fireplace and chimney, the only visible evidence of a cabin is a level area with some rocks, indicating the cabin outline and floor. Downhill from the cabin site there is a monument to the memory of Richard Danielson.

Our hike continues on the road, dropping down slightly as it passes then crosses the stream. The next 1/2 mile is up the steep slope on the north side of the stream where we turn left on Old Boney Road. In about 1/2 mile, turn right and descend on the Fossil Trail and rejoin the main road by turning left at the trail junctions, then right up the road. Near the end, after crossing a bridge, you follow the lower trail to the left to the parking lot.

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