
Verdugo Mountains - North Traverse

Distance: Long loop = 10 miles RT and 2050 ft. elevation gain to Verdugo Peak.
Shorter loop = 6.2 miles and 1670 ft. elevation gain to a fire road saddle.

Trailhead Directions: We meet at a picnic area on the left (south) side of La Tuna Canyon Road 1.4 miles west of the La Tuna Canyon road off ramp of the Foothill Freeway. Don’t confuse this picnic spot with a similar one 0.3 mile east. There are no restroom facilities at the trailhead.

The Hike: We start by following the La Tuna Canyon Trail up along a small canyon. The trail switchbacks up above La Tuna Canyon Road and then crosses the dry stream at least three times. This part of the trail is well shaded for the most part. At 1.75 miles we join an old jeep road where there is an old truck in the streambed below the trail. We gain almost 600 feet in 0.6 mile on the steepest part of the trail before finally reaching Verdugo Fire Road. From there we turn left and continue to the great view spot along the road.

For those continuing past that spot we will go to a lunch spot under a tree with benches 1.4 miles farther along the road at the Plantation Lateral. After lunch we continue along Verdugo Fire Road and turn down Hostetter Fire Road. After 3.3 miles of downhill hiking on the fire road we reach La Tuna Canyon Road. From there it is 1.1 miles back along the road to the trailhead.

Refreshments will be provided at the conclusion.

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