
White Point - Point Fermin - Cabrillo Aquarium - Friendship Bell

Distance: 6.2 mi. RT.
Elevation gain = 320 ft.

Directions to Trailhead: We meet at the Royal Palms-White Point Park at the south end of Western Avenue. Proceed to the end of the 110 Freeway in San Pedro. Move to the far right side of the freeway as you exit. This will allow you to turn left on Gaffey Avenue and be prepared to turn right at First Street after only a few 100 yards. Turn left on Western Avenue and continue to the end of Western Avenue. Turn left and enter the Royal Palms Park on the right. There should be no parking fee at the park on weekdays.

The Hike:
White's Point Tide Pools - The hike starts by following the road down to the beach. Proceed south along the beach to the Tide Pools and, depending on the tide, spend some time with the critters. Continue south along the beach for approximately a half-mile. At this point the beach going gets very rocky. A steep trail on the left will return you to Paseo Del Mar Road.

Point Fermin Lighthouse - Continue south on Paseo Del Mar Road for about 1.5 miles to Point Fermin Park. As you approach the park, stay to the right to proceed along the coast. Stop and take in the lighthouse and the gardens, and the overlook of the Pacific Ocean.

Cabrillo Aquarium - Leave Point Fermin Park to the north and turn right on Shepard Street. At the end of Shepard Street jog to the right then turn left in to Bluff Place. Turn right on the path to the beach several hundred feet before Cabrillo Beach toll entrance. Go north along the beach to enter the Point Fermin Life Refuge and Tide Pools. These are outstanding tide pools but viewing them is at the mercy of the tides. After visiting the Tide Pools, return along toward Cabrillo Beach. After crossing the road from the tollgate, there is a nice picnic area with tables where we will have lunch. After lunch, continue through the parking lot to the Cabrillo Aquarium. I think can get us a personal tour.

Korean Friendship Bell - Exit thru the tollgate and proceed to the right to Pacific Avenue. Turn left for a very short distance to 37th street. Turn right on 37th and proceed up the steep hill to the entrance to the Korean Friendship Bell. This bell was donated to San Pedro on July 4th 1976. The bell clapper is locked now and is only released for tolling the bell on special occasions. The view from the bell is outstanding. The easy way from the bell back to the trailhead is to return to the park entrance and continue down Pacific Avenue past Point Fermin Park. A shortcut to return, is by a short steep path north of the bell to the Joan Milke Flores Park. (This only saves about 0.2 miles.) Return to the trailhead via Paseo Del Mar Road.

Google Earth photo - White Point to Cabrillo Aquarium

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GPS Data:
RT=5.8 mi. Max Elevation = 260 ft.