
Rincon Fire Station to Pine Mountain

Distance: 11 mi. RT (+ scramble to Pine Mountain peak).
Elevation gain: 1900 ft. (+ several hundred ft. to the peak)

Directions to Trailhead: From the 210 Fwy exit Azusa Ave north (Hwy #39). Proceed past the two dams but don't cross the green bridge. Continue to the San Gabriel OHV Staging Area parking lot for rest rooms. The trailhead is just ahead, at paddle # 26.54 directly across from Rincon Fire Station.

The gravel road starts off steeply. After a couple of miles it becomes less steep but continues unceasingly upward. There is a mileage post for each mile. At about 2 1/2 miles, there is an old spur trail that goes up a hill to the south and affords a view of the lakes down the canyon. This might be an option for those desiring a shorter hike.

Those who get past the 4 mile mark will be able to look down on the West Fork Road, up into Bear Canyon, and also see the face of Cogswell Dam. It is only another 1 1/2 miles through the pass next to Pine Mountain which will present peak baggers with a memorable scramble. Return the way you came.

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